Grow a successful nature-based business where you can work less, earn more, & change more lives!

The Business Hive is a group coaching program with a proven process guaranteed to help you grow a profitable nature-based business that runs on auto-pilot as much as possible.

Enrollment for our June-Dec 2024 cohort is now open!


This enrollment closes in 









The problem is: most pediatric professionals don't know how to run a successful business.


It's not your fault. You're an expert at providing your nature-based services...and maybe never thought you'd be a business owner!

Running a business requires specific knowledge and skills that you likely didn't learn in school.

As a business owner, you have to learn to think very differently than you do as a therapist or service provider.

You MUST learn business essentials and strategy so that your nature-based business can continue to help people for many years to come!

Because the odds of any business surviving simply aren't good. 😢

A quick Google search reveals that 20.8% of businesses fail in the first YEAR! 

And 40% of businesses fail within the first 3 years...

49.9% fail within the first 5 years...

65.8% fail within 10 years...

and a whopping 80% of businesses fail before 20 years. 😳

The stakes are high. If you don't learn business essentials and strategy now, your nature-based business may not exist to help more people in the future.

 Inside the Business Hive, you'll learn my signature framework & proven process for nature-based business success:

The 4 Business Bedrocks


You'll learn specific strategies to have an entrepreneur's MINDSET in all aspects of your business. (It's different than thinking like a therapist or service provider!)


You'll create systems and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for all your business OPERATIONS to automate workflow so your business runs effectively and efficiently...requiring LESS of your time as the business grows.


You'll design strategic MARKETING to connect with your ideal clients to get more paying customers. You'll learn best practices for copywriting, branding, email marketing, website design, print materials, & social media marketing.


You'll set up rock-solid systems for budgeting business FINANCES so you can stop worrying about money in your business, pay yourself more, & KEEP MORE PROFIT so your business can grow!

Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart.

Nor is it meant to be a solo adventure.

You need a community where you're free to be REAL & get clarity to take the RIGHT actions to grow your business.


Hi! I'm Dr. Laura Park Figueroa.

Growth-obsessed occupational therapist entrepreneur. Owner of a multi-6-figure nature-based practice with profitable locations in 2 different states. Last year, I paid myself $95,000 while working about 10 hours per week managing my nature-based therapy practice. It took a lot of hard work (and mistakes!) to get here, but I can help you do this, too....much faster than I did!

I'm a business coach & strategist who always keeps it 100% real. I originally created my Business Bedrocks curriculum in 2020 to give therapist entrepreneurs a structured program & supportive community to establish strong business foundations for infinite future growth and income.

The results have been inspiring....

Alumni rave about their experiences!

Here's a video testimonial from Marika Austin, owner of a nature-based pediatric practice, Bearfoot OT in San Francisco, CA.


That's not all...

Laura and the group gave me the motivation and confidence to grow my business in a way that felt right to me.

It helped solidify my business processes so I could spend more time creating new ways to serve families! The investment in this course paid back in dividends for my business and for my own mindset. It gave me confidence to truly lay the path that felt best for me, and having Laura and the community for support made all the difference!

Hana Eichele

 Roots Pediatric Therapy

The Business Bedrocks course is now offered exclusively inside the Business HIVE, my 6-month group coaching program for nature-based business owners.

In the Hive, you get the Bedrocks curriculum PLUS loads of templates and resources, business coaching calls, and a community to support your nature-based business success.

The Hive is your one-stop-shop to build a successful nature-based business with less stress, proven strategy, and in community with others.

🐝 (Like worker bees getting stuff done together in our case you missed the nature analogy there.) 😄 

Here's an inside look at the Hive. 👀

In this video, you'll see all of the resources (+ bonuses) you gain access to inside the Hive.


Freya McGregor, owner of Access Birding, says the Hive is helpful for start-up and growth of your nature-based business.


Jenna Miller, owner of Well and Wild Child Pediatric OT, says "you will not be dissappointed" if you join the Hive!

Join our June 2024 cohort now! Enrollment won't open again until 2025.










The Business Hive


x 6 months. Inside the Hive, you'll get:

  • The Business Bedrocks curriculum with 57-page workbook to help you take strategic steps to have a transformed mindset, automated operations, strategic marketing, and organized finances in your business.
  • Coaching calls with Laura Park Figueroa & other Hive members, so you can get questions answered right away and have accountability to hit your monthly, quarterly, & yearly business goals.
  • Private business-owners-only discussion forum so you can access Laura's "business brain" and get her coaching plus insights from Hive mentors, whenever you need it. (You'll never have to make a business decision alone again!)
  • LOADS of done-for-you business templates, documents, spreadsheets, and marketing materials to save you hours of time (and money) so that you don't have to reinvent the wheel when creating systems in your business.
  • Transformed mindset & confidence!
  • Standard operating procedures and automations set up so your business runs on auto-pilot as much as possible.
  • A strategic marketing plan so your business attracts your dream clients.
  • An organized business budgeting system to manage finances so you KEEP MORE PROFIT and PAY YOURSELF!
  • A supportive & inspiring COMMUNITY of other nature-based heart-centered entrepreneurs.
  • BONUSES: access to ALL of Laura's nature-based therapy treatment resources, including printable treatment plans & visual schedules to use in therapy sessions, therapy camp manual & resources, infographics, and recorded guest expert trainings.

Got questions? We've got answers!

FAQs about the Business Hive:


🐝 Hive Enrollment Closes









Still not sure if the Hive is right for you?

Let's hop on a no-strings-attached call to get your questions answered & help you decide.

Book a call with Laura