35: Help Kids Achieve Their Own Goals By Asking The Right Questions (A Real-Life Story from Nature-Based Practice)

This week's TGO Podcast is an honest share of my attempt to implement an evidence-based method directly within a nature-based therapy session. The CO-OP approach is a simple system for helping children to achieve their own goals, and it strongly aligns with the philosophy of my nature-based therapy framework, the ConTiGO (Connection & Transformation in the Great Outdoors) Approach. In this episode, I share a real-life story from my practice last week. I think you'll have a few key takeaways that you can do TODAY in any practice setting with children. 

2:00 Background - why I'm sharing this real-life story to help you in your nature-based practice.

3:15 What the CO-OP approach is and how it is an evidence-based method aligned with the ConTiGO (Connection & Transformation in the Great Outdoors) Approach to nature-based therapy

6:30 Having children set their own goals

7:45 A real-life story of how I applied CO-OP in a session today

11:30 How we often rob children of the opportunity to problem-solve

12:20 Letting children come to solutions on their own

14:45 Reflection questions used in the ConTiGO Approach (Connection & Transformation in the Great Outdoors)

Resources to learn more about Cognitive Orientation to Daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP):


OT Potential podcast episodes on CO-OP:



Welcome to the TGO Podcast!

The Therapy in the Great Outdoors podcast is about the business & practice of nature-based pediatric therapy of all kinds. If you are an outdoor-loving practitioner in the field of occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech-language pathology, social work, behavioral health, mental health counseling, or outdoor education THIS is for you! You'll learn how you can take your work with children outdoors into nature. We'll cover exactly what it takes to run a successful and profitable nature-based practice that changes children's lives (and yours!) forever.


36: Writing Great Goals in Nature-Based Therapy


34: Diving into Surf Therapy with Naomi Matanick, OTR/L