4: Assessment & Observation in Nature-Based Therapy
As therapists, what we assess is what we address. But when you take your practice outdoors, you might find that your assessments change a bit. For nature-based therapists, it’s important to find a balance between the tried-and-true standardized assessments you’re used to and new, nature-specific ones.
In this episode, I’m talking about the importance of assessments and how to use them in your nature-based therapeutic practice. I’m sharing ways you can adapt your current assessments to a nature-based practice and a few new assessments to try. Plus, I’m explaining how you can supplement your standardized assessments with more organic observation.
We’ll discuss:
How natural environments can improve parent-child communication
Why assessment is so vital to the therapeutic process
Understanding the purpose of and process for assessment in your specialty
Adapting the assessments you already use in your practice to outdoor therapy
How to supplement standardized assessment with clinical observations and nonstandardized assessments
Measuring nature connection in children
Three nature connection assessments to try in your practice
Resources from this episode:
Cameron-Faulkner, Thea & Melville, Joanna & Gattis, Merideth. (2018). Responding to Nature: Natural Environments Improve Parent-Child Communication. Journal of Environmental Psychology. 59. 10.1016/j.jenvp.2018.08.008.
Are you a pediatric therapist interested in taking your work with children out into nature? The ConTiGO Approach Online Course will open for registration soon: visit www.ConTiGOapproach.com to join the waitlist.
Welcome to the TGO Podcast!
The Therapy in the Great Outdoors podcast is about the business & practice of nature-based pediatric therapy of all kinds. If you are an outdoor-loving practitioner in the field of occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech-language pathology, social work, behavioral health, mental health counseling, or outdoor education THIS is for you! You'll learn how you can take your work with children outdoors into nature. We'll cover exactly what it takes to run a successful and profitable nature-based practice that changes children's lives (and yours!) forever.