49: 10 Mistakes That Keep Your Nature-Based Business From Making Meaningful Income

This episode could save you thousands of dollars. 💵   Listen in to hear details and my stories about making these mistakes so you can avoid them!

  1. Imposter syndrome and perfectionism paralyzing you from getting started. I had to have a friend command me to make a website and start my business. 🤣

  2. Not focusing on a specific niche.

  3. Being unaware of your negative mindset around money.

  4. Charging too little. I charged $40 for 2 hours of outdoor therapy when I started in 2015! Don't do this.😆 Research the going rate for therapy for your area and charge at least that much.

  5. Comparing yourself to others on social media.

  6. Not prioritizing SEO on your website. I recently learned there are specific, simple things to do to make sure your website shows up on the first page of Google when people search. Make sure you have words that describe the type of services you provide, your location(s), and common diagnoses of clients throughout your website. And make sure to fill your headers on your website with those descriptive words as well.

  7. Not setting up a lead magnet on your website (and also: not having an email service provider).

  8. Waiting too long to hire.

  9. Not having good financial systems in place.

  10. Not investing in business training and support. This is one mistake I haven't made, but I think is common among us DIY therapist-types. It has served me well to invest in training, coaching, consulting, and support at every step along the way...even before my business was bringing in any revenue!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Free business trainings this week inside the free TGO Community (replays available if you're reading this later):

🐝 The Business Hive, my year-long group business coaching program for nature-based business owners, will open on Jan 29-Feb 2 for our first 2024 cohort. Get all the info & join the waitlist here.  


Welcome to the TGO Podcast!

The Therapy in the Great Outdoors podcast is about the business & practice of nature-based pediatric therapy of all kinds. If you are an outdoor-loving practitioner in the field of occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech-language pathology, social work, behavioral health, mental health counseling, or outdoor education THIS is for you! You'll learn how you can take your work with children outdoors into nature. We'll cover exactly what it takes to run a successful and profitable nature-based practice that changes children's lives (and yours!) forever.


50: Live Business Coaching Call for Devin Hatch, OTR/L, CSRS: Growing a Team in Your Nature-Based Therapy Practice


48: Nature-Based THERAPY vs. Nature-Based Enrichment Services: Principles, Purposes, Processes, and Precautions.