62. Creative Snacks for Nature-Based Therapy Sessions

This week I'm sharing some of our favorite creative snack ideas from my nature-based therapy practice.

  1. Color changing tea (find it in the TGO community here)

  2. Apple pizzas (find it in the TGO community here)

  3. Fun with the apple peeler (in Laura's book)

  4. Apple crisp (in Laura's book)

  5. Pasta packets (in Laura's book)

Resources mentioned in this podcast:

Welcome to the TGO Podcast!

The Therapy in the Great Outdoors podcast is about the business & practice of nature-based pediatric therapy of all kinds. If you are an outdoor-loving practitioner in the field of occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech-language pathology, social work, behavioral health, mental health counseling, or outdoor education THIS is for you! You'll learn how you can take your work with children outdoors into nature. We'll cover exactly what it takes to run a successful and profitable nature-based practice that changes children's lives (and yours!) forever.


63. Planning for Your Summer Nature-Based Programs - A Live Coaching Call for Jillian Blount


61. Sensory & Primitive Reflex Integration Outdoors with Rachel Harrington & Jessica Hill