72: Imposter Syndrome as a Nature-Based Therapist
It feels like everyone is talking about imposter syndrome these days. And I’ve seen it rear its ugly head in my own career as a nature-based therapist.
If you’re not familiar with imposter syndrome, it is that feeling of “I don’t know what I’m doing” that pops up inside your mind, even when there is AMPLE evidence to the contrary. (That EVIDENCE part is key. Feeling like an imposter when you are a novice at anything is normal! We need to maybe coin a new term “novice syndrome” to acknowledge that being a novice is different than being an imposter.)
In this episode, I share from the heart about feeling like an imposter as a nature-based therapist. You’ll hear a few real-life examples from my own life, and some takeaways to help you if you struggle with imposter syndrome in the realm of nature-based therapy.
One of the key messages in this episode is that you can be a nature-based therapist, just as you are. You don’t have to garden. Or love animals. Or brave icy cold weather. Or be a naturalist. Or climb mountains. You can do nature-based therapy in your own way and you’re still a legit nature-based therapist.
P.S. My article sharing my dissertation research is finally going to be published. I will share free copies when it’s available.
P.P.S. The Nature-Based Business Retreat is happening Nov. 7-10, 2024 in Santa Cruz, CA. Register here: https://www.therapyinthegreatoutdoors.com/retreat
Welcome to the TGO Podcast!
The Therapy in the Great Outdoors podcast is about the business & practice of nature-based pediatric therapy of all kinds. If you are an outdoor-loving practitioner in the field of occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech-language pathology, social work, behavioral health, mental health counseling, or outdoor education THIS is for you! You'll learn how you can take your work with children outdoors into nature. We'll cover exactly what it takes to run a successful and profitable nature-based practice that changes children's lives (and yours!) forever.